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WoW Classic ERA
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Hey! Where are all the Classic ERA Accounts?
As you may notice, the account stock looks pretty empty right now. This is because the demand for classic ERA accounts is very big right now. In case you are looking for an account but are not in a rush, we strongly recommend you visit our classic ERA boosting page here. We are able to do various services, like power leveling. Within 2 weeks, you will have your own Classic ERA level 60!
WoW Classic ERA Accounts for sale
On this page, you will soon be able to find a massive number of WoW Classic ERA accounts. Right now, this page looks empty, but we will be adding new accounts to this page whenever we can. WoW Classic ERA was very popular in 2019, and now it seems to be reviving. So make sure you browse this page for the latest additions. In case you want, we can also offer our Powerleveling service for Classic ERA, we can level an account from level 1 to 60 in about 2 weeks, please click here for more information
You can expect any kind of WoW Classic ERA accounts here, whichever class, race, or gender it is.
Please keep in mind that there is no account registration process & you do not have to pay any additional fees when checking out!
How to prepare for WoW Classic ERA?
Preparing for WoW Classic ERA is quite easy, just make a wise decision about what you'd like to play and see whether it fits you. At the very start, you will be empty-geared and it may be a long and boring way all the way to level 60. At this point, you might ask yourself, why shouldn't I buy a WoW Classic ERA account instead? So you may have been googling for "Buy Classic ERA account", "WoW Classic ERA Account for sale", "Buy Classic ERA Account" or something like that. Well if that's the case then you are on the correct page. We will be providing the classic ERA accounts you need
What kind of WoW Classic ERA accounts can I find here?
On this page, you will be able to find several classic ERA Accounts. These accounts are being added from time to time. Most of these accounts were originally leveled back in 2019/2020 or they had been transferred from the WoW season of mastery before. We can also search a specific Classic ERA account for you if you want. Right now, not many people are playing Classic ERA, so the account offers are also fewer compared to other WoW Games which have much more players right now.
Is it safe to buy a WoW Classic ERA Account?
We have to be honest with you, theoretically, it is bannable to buy a WoW Classic ERA Account as it goes against the Terms of Service of Blizzard. However, the chances to receive a ban are extremely low as it is pretty much impossible that an account has been bought. Another chance of occurring is a potential recall, however, this chance is also very low due to our strict account-buying policy, making recalls very rare and not something you should be afraid of. We also tend to offer a lot accounts with fake battlenet names and we work with a firm group of account suppliers to provide what you need