Level 65

  • Female
  • Delos
  • US$109.99


  • 级别
  • 性别
  • 服务器
  • 698 GS

  • 20 Sword and Shield, 20 Rapier, 20 Hatchet, 20 Spear, 20 Great Axe, 20 War Hammer, 20 Greatsword, 10 Bow, 20 Blunderbuss

  • 72 Armoring, 59 Engineering, 91 Jewelcrafting, 105 Arcana, 146 Cooking, 66 Smelting, 38 Leatherworking, 51 logging, 122 Mining, 62 Weaving, 63 Harvesting, 75 Tracking and Skinning, 124 Riding

  • Bonus: additional level 65 character on Delos server

65 Delooooos


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