Level 65

  • Female
  • Delos
  • US$119.99


  • 级别
  • 性别
  • 服务器
  • 699 GS

  • 20 Sword and Shield, 20 Rapier, 15 Hatchet, 20 Spear, 20 Great Axe, 20 War Hammer, 20 Greatsword, 17 Bow, 20 Blunderbuss, 20 Fire Staff, 20 Ice Gauntlet, 20 Void Gauntlet

  • 104 Weaponsmithing, 161 Armoring, 159 Engineering, 97 Jewelcrafting, 165 Arcana, 136 Cooking, 112 Furnishing, 100 Smelting, 139 Woodworking, 82 Leatherworking, 194 Mining, 70 Music, 118 Weaving, 156 Stonecutting, 81 Harvesting, 167 Tracking and Skinning, 215 Riding; Logging - maxed

  • bonus: level 65 alt character on delos server



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