
1.8k PVP Rating / Elite Sets

  • US$229.99


Buy TWW PVP Elite PVP Set

Are you looking for PVP Elite sets for WoW The War Within? No problem! We are here to assist. We can do any PVP elite set request you want. Please contact us before making your purchase. So we can assign one of our boosters to handle your request. We can do any class/race and server.
So in case, you have been looking for "Buy WoW Elite sets", "Buy 1,8k rating WoW", or "Buy Elite PVP sets WoW TWW" you've come to the right page

Things to keep in mind:

- We can do any class/race/server
- We can play with VPN if requested
- We can do self play or piloted
- Make sure you have some gear and being max leveled


您需要更多信息吗?请查看我们的 FAQ联系我们.


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