
The Sha'tar Reputation

  • 0,00 $

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Get your The Sha'tar reputation here!

Get your Neutral Till Exalted reputation in no time

Your character should have Flying Mount

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Sehen Sie sich unsere Kundenrezensionen an

  • Excellent service, fast, highly recommend!

    Justin Weaver

  • sold my warrior to him, process was much easier than expected and ran into no problems other than a downscaled price due to a transfer cooldown, but that was of course through no fault of the seller and rather mine.

    Kuba Kerlin

  • Sold another account, same experience as last timegreat, fast service.


  • just like to update that I have now bought a total of 4 accounts and had exactly 0 problems. only tremendous service.

    Don Savant

  • Got my account within minutes. So far so good!


  • Super fast service, good prices and a serious site where you can trust the seller.

    Mattias Forsell