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- Gold Farming Service (Easy)
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Gold Farming Service (Easy)
Everlook vanilla gold farming service
Are you looking for a reliable booster to play on your account to farm gold for you? No problem, we can do it for you.
The main reason why you may want to buy a gold farming boost instead of buying gold is the reduced ban risk
We are able to farm gold on your character as long you meet the following requirements:
- You have to be level 60
- You should be playing Warlock, Hunter, Rogue, Druid, or Mage ( for other classes, you may visit this page)
- Your character is in a good standing
How exactly does this work?
Below, we will explain how this farming service will work.
- First, we will log in on your character, then we decide which farming method we will use, depending on your class. It could be, grinding mobs or doing dungeons mostly.
- Second, we will take a snapshot of the gold in your inventory, just to avoid any potential issues regarding the amount of gold farmed
- During farming, we recommend you not log in
- We will be using a VPN service during the proces
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