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- WoW Clásico ERA
WoW Clásico ERA
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Where are the classic ERA accounts?
As you can see, the stock of accounts seems pretty empty right now. This is because the demand for classic ERA accounts is very high at the moment. In case you are looking for an account but are not in a rush, we highly recommend visiting our Classic ERA upgrade page here. We can offer you various services, such as leveling up. In less than 2 weeks, you'll have your very own level 60 classic ERA!
WoW Classic ERA Accounts For Sale
On this page, you will soon be able to find a large number of WoW Classic ERA accounts. Right now this page looks empty, but we'll be adding new accounts to this page whenever we can. WoW Classic ERA was very popular in 2019, and now it seems to be reviving. So be sure to browse this page to see the latest additions. In case you want, we can also offer you our Powerleveling service for Classic ERA, we can raise an account from level 1 to 60 in about 2 weeks, click here for more information.
You can expect any kind of WoW Classic ERA accounts here, whichever class, race, or gender it is.
Please note that there is no account registration process and you do not have to pay any additional fees when making a payment.
How to prepare for WoW Classic ERA?
Preparing for WoW Classic ERA is quite easy, you just have to make a wise decision about what you would like to play and see if it suits you. At first, you'll be on empty gear and it can be a long, boring road to level 60. At this point, you might be wondering, why shouldn't you buy a WoW Classic ERA account instead? Then you may have been googling "Buy ERA Classic Account", "WoW ERA Classic Account For Sale", "Buy ERA Classic Account" or something like that. Well, if that is the case, then you are on the right page. We'll provide you with the classic ERA accounts you need
What type of WoW Classic ERA accounts can I find here?
On this page you can find several classic ERA accounts. These accounts are added from time to time. Most of these accounts were originally leveled in 2019/2020 or had carried over from WoW Mastery Season earlier. We can also search for a specific Classic ERA account for you if you wish. Right now, there aren't many people playing ERA Classic, so the account offers are also less compared to other WoW games that have a lot more players right now.
Is it safe to buy a WoW Classic ERA account?
Tenemos que ser honestos contigo, teóricamente, es baneable comprar una cuenta de WoW Classic ERA ya que va en contra de los Términos de Servicio de Blizzard. Sin embargo, las posibilidades de recibir un ban son extremadamente bajas ya que es casi imposible que una cuenta haya sido comprada. Otra posibilidad de que ocurra es una posible retirada, sin embargo, esta posibilidad también es muy baja debido a nuestra estricta política de compra de cuentas, haciendo que las retiradas sean muy raras y no sea algo que debas temer. También solemos ofrecer muchas cuentas con nombres de battlenet falsos y trabajamos con un firme grupo de proveedores de cuentas para proporcionarle lo que necesita.