1-50 Sorceress Leveling Build Guide for Lost Ark

Publicado el 6/2/2022

Sorceress is mage Elementalist. She uses Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Air ranged attacks.
It's a really good class for beginners in Lost Ark. She has a lot of AOE attacks and it's pretty easy to play at the start, but in the end-game content, it can be a bit tough because she is too squishy.
But let's try to make optimal build for comfortable and fast leveling.

You should try to max your main stats: Crit and Specialization combat stats.
But do not try to min-max during the leveling process, because your clearing speed will be very high, just using your base damage abilities. So don't waste your time on Heroic versions of dungeons for obtaining better gear.
But make sure, you should max your AOE abilities and try to kill large packs of mobs, and do not waste your time killing 1-2mobs.

1-14 level:
Max Dancing Flame ability and get the 1st Tripod Magick Circulation

At level 14- you should reset your Skill Points and max your Rime Explosion ability. And take 2 Tripods Magick Circulation and Tenacity. We choose this ability because it has the lowest cooldown and good base damage, so it will significantly increase your clear speed.

At level 18 you should max the new ability - Divine Punishment and take 2 Tripods Wide-angle Attack and Electric Discharge.

At level 24 you should max Reign of Frost and take 2 Tripods Insight and Unstable Rule.

Level 28: put your points to Divine Punishment for getting 3rd Tripod - Unavoidable Fate. Now you have huge AOE damage for fast clear speed.

Level 32: Get rank 7 Great Fire and 2 Tripods - Law of the Jungle, Flame Area. This skill has a large Cooldown so you should use it mostly for elite mobs and bosses, common mobs will die with the rest of AOE abilities.

Level 37: Max your Great Fire for getting 3rd Tripod - Backfire, and put points to Dancing Flame for getting 1st Tripod - Magick Circulation.

Level 40: Max your Wave Blessing and get 2 Tripods - Shield Enhancement, Flame's Protection. This skill you will use mostly for mobility.

Level 48: Rank 10 Reign of Frost and 3rd Tripod - Frost Affinity; Rank 7 Dancing Flame - Flame Acceleration 2nd Tripod. Also, don't forget to take Elemental Fusion till 2nd Tripod - Quick Preparation and Magick Amplification.

Level 50: Rank 4 Dancing Flame and Rank 10 Rime Explosion with 3rd Tripod - Frost Incarnate.

Now you have a good leveling build for Sorceress, but the journey just begins.
You should complete your story quests and get your ultimate abilities: Natural Disaster and Doomsday.

Also, do not forget your class has special abilities - Magick Enhancement and Blink. During leveling you should use Magick Enhancement on cooldown, but try to use it for long cast abilities like Great Fire and Divine Punishment because they do not have push immunity.

It's a good starter build for leveling and even for early game PvE.

Sometimes leveling can be boring and especially for new players in Lost Ark it can take a lot of time. So do not hesitate to take breaks for exploring the world or side quests, or just buy our boosting service for a fair price. We work with reliable and professional boosters who have a huge game experience with a lot of MMO projects and their skill is significantly higher than average. You may know us from World of Warcraft and New World. And we are here for making your game more enjoyable and comfortable. See you in Lost Ark!