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- PVP Ranking/Boost
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PVP Ranking/Boost
Looking for a PVP Ranking boost for WoW Season of Mastery?
Always looking at this precious equipment or outstanding titles?
No problem, we will offer PVP & Ranking boosts for WoW SoM.
To give you an approximate time schedule for PVP boosting:
Approximate Time schedule Ranking :
Rank 1 --- > Rank 3 = Roughly 1 week
Rank 3 ----> Rank 5 = Roughly 1 week
Rank 5 ----> Rank 6 = Roughly 1 week
Rank 6 ----> Rank 7 = Roughly 1 week
Rank 7 ----> Rank 8 = Roughly 1 week
Rank 8 ----> Rank 9 = Roughly 2 week
Rank 9 ----> Rank 10 = Roughly 2 weeks
Rank 10 ----> Rank 11 = Roughly 3 weeks
Rank 11 ----> Rank 12 = Roughly 3 weeks
Rank 12 -----> Rank 13 = Roughly 3 weeks
Rank 13 -----> Rank 14 = Roughly 4 weeks
This schedule above is our estimated time to complete your WoW SoM PVP Boost.
Depending on your server/faction and the possibility of joining premade it could be either slower or faster. We can not make any promises.
We will run battlegrounds Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin & Alterac Valley to complete your ranking goals.
In case you have a premade, we can join it on request.
We will use a VPN from your country to maximize security.
Keep in mind that if you log in during the process you may void your warranty.
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