

Mirror of Kalandra


Buy Mirror of Kalandra

Are you looking to buy the Mirror of Kalandra in Path of Exile?
Well, you've come to the correct page for that!
The MoK in PoE is an extremely rare item. It drops from bosses in PoE and it may take weeks if not months to loot one. There are faster alternatives to get this Mirror of Kalandra, like purchasing it at this site.
So in case you have been looking for "Buy PoE Mirror of Kalandra", "Buy Mirror of Kalandra PoE", "Buy MoK Poe" or "Mirror of Kalandra for sale" you've come to the right page.

How to purchase Mirror of Kalandra

There are a few requirements in order to purchase this time.
- Your character should be at the correct chosen league
- We can only deliver on PC
- Place a rare item in the trade window for safety reasons

The price displayed is for the standard & league
In case you play on the hardcore league, contact us

Tiedot ostajille

Tarjoamme vain käsin viljeltyä kultaa. Meillä on useita toimitustapoja, joista voit valita. Normaali toimitus kestää 15-40 minuuttia. Joskus se voi kestää hieman kauemmin riippuen palvelimen suosiosta ja omasta varastostamme.

Meillä on kultaa kaikilla palvelimilla, mutta erittäin harvinaisessa tapauksessa emme ehkä pysty toimittamaan. Jos et saa kultaa 24 tunnin kuluessa tilauksesta, hyvitämme sinulle.

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Katso asiakasarvostelumme

  • I have bought/traded in multiple accounts. He is always extremely fast, friendly and an overall great experience!.


  • Sold another account, same experience as last timegreat, fast service.


  • Excellent Seller A+


  • Fast and easy, 5/5. Thank you


  • Absolute A+ Trader - all went smoothly. Recommended!


  • Honest seller, couldn't ask for a more trustworthy
