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- Warmane Onyxia
Warmane Onyxia
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Buy Warmane Onyxia Account
Finally, the day arrived Warmane is going to launch a new server, and not just a boring server. This time, Warmane will step up its performance by the release of a brand new progression server called Warmane Onyxia!
Warmane Onyxia will be a realm that will let you enjoy Vanilla, TBC & WoTLK Content over the following years
On the 18th of November 2023, this brand-new server will open its gates. There is a big expected hype, so make sure you are ready for this new adventure.
If you are looking for a Warmane Onyxia Account, you may have reached the correct page. So using terms like "Buy Warmane Onyxia Account", "Warmane Onyxia Account for sale", "Buy Onyxia Warmane Account" or "Buy Onyxia Account" you've been doing fine.
Warmane Onyxia Accounts for sale
There are many reasons why you should be purchasing a Warmane Onyxia account. Below we've added a few nice features that you can expect on this realm.
- The leveling speed will be set to 3x XP so that you will experience all content
- New Quality of Life features
- 40-man raids will be turning into 25-man raids.
- It's a PVP realm
- No decay in honor PVP system