
Gear Boosting Services

  • 0,00 $US

Gear Boosting services


Looking for a pre-raid bis gear boost on your fresh Warmane Onyxia character? No problem! We can do it.

What will we do?

Basically, we will farm equipment in dungeons, molten core, and other content ( if there is any groups) till we get pre-raid and epic equipment, so you can get started doing amazing raids.
So the items will be a mix of these items. The gear should be of blue/epic quality and the least item level requirement should be 53

What is pre-raid gear?

Preraid gear is one of the best slot items obtained from dungeons prior to raids. If possible, we can also do MC and zul gurub in pugs.

How long it takes?

Most likely around 7-14 days, depending on luck and whether we have luck with loot

Besoin de plus d'informations ?

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Voir les avis de nos clients

  • Fast and efficient buyer, the deal went quick and easy


  • Sold my account to mmoprovider, the process went easy, smooth, and without any problems. It was easier than selling anything on eBay, way easier. Fast replies, help with the whole process, good compensation, what more to say :) I can highly recommend this to everyone without any hesitation and doubts

    Marcin Cz.

  • Fast and easy, 5/5. Thank you


  • MMOprovider was quick, fast, and thorough! Easiest deal ever


  • Around six transaction, zero problem <3


  • Excellent Seller A+
