- MMO Provider ยป
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- TnL
Please share this link on your socials or simply copy paste it with any of your friends! Both you and your friends will be able to use our 7% Discount code on our entire webshop. Use code "SHARECODENOW" to grab your discount!
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On this page you find our services in TnL. Become the most dedicated player in the world of Solisium. We offer huge amount of services on EU and US regions. No account registration is required and you don't have to pay extra fees when checking out, unlike most other sites. Make sure you are able to provide an unique buyout price on the Auction house, for example if you need 1000 Lucent, you can post an item for 1002 Lucent if thats an unique price at the time being. Please keep in mind that we do not cover the 22% AH fees!
- Average Delivery time 30-60 minutes
- EU Region
- Auction house delivery method
TL Lucent
Are you looking forward to playing TaL, but lack the time and resources to play? No problem! We are ready to supply. In case you have been browsing the internet for terms like "Buy TL Lucent", "Buy TL Lucent", "Buy TaL Lucent" or "TL Lucent for sale" you've come to the right page!
Why should I buy Lucent?
There are various reasons why you may need to buy Lucent for TnL. First of all, you can only obtain these paid items when you spend Lucent ( or real money ), there are no other ways for you to collect these items.
This TL Lucent is required to purchase mounts, houses, equipment, and other rare items.
TL Lucent for sale
On this page you will find plenty of Lucent, we are supporting all servers and we will be adding more servers as soon they are released. We have an excellent service which is operational 24/7 and our delivery times are below 1 hour usually!
MMOprovider has a sufficient amount of Lucent available throughout our great team