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- WoW WOTLK Obsidian Sanctum guide | How to raid Obsidian Sanctum on WOTLK?
WoW WOTLK Obsidian Sanctum guide | How to raid Obsidian Sanctum on WOTLK?
Gepubliceerd op 07-09-2022
Obsidian Sanctum one of the fastest raid in WOTLK expansion, but it's important to complete it every week because it will give you cool trinkets, rings, off-set gear, and of course Tier 7 tokens.

This raid requires 2 tanks, 2-3heals and the rest slot might be filled with any DPS classes.
In this raid, you can decide how many drakes you will leave alive for extra loot. Usually, PUG raids leave alive 1 drake because it's easy and you still get a good reward.
Let's see what these drakes doing and you can decide what drakes are more difficult for your raid and they must be killed. Or maybe you will leave 3 drakes for Achievement Title and Rare mount!
Do not forget to get the Shadow Resistance buff from your priest before starting this fight.
During this boss fight, Shadron will open portals. Your Heals and DPS should enter them and kill all adds inside. Be careful because inside the portal every player will receive 1k Shadow Damage every second.
After you kill all mobs inside the portal boss will lose immune status and you can attack him again.
If you will leave Shadron alive he will apply Aura which increases fire damage taken by 100%
This dragon will open portals too, but you can ignore them. Inside these portals will spawn whelps. After some time they will escape the portal and your OT must take them and just AOE them.
If you will leave Tenebron alive he will apply Aura which increases shadow damage taken by 100%
The same tactic as we did with Tenebron. Just ignore portals and kill the boss.
If you will leave Vesperon alive he will apply Aura which decreases HP for all players by 25%
After these 3 mini bosses and your decision about how many drakes you will leave alive, you can start the fight with the real boss of this dungeon - Sartharion.
In the first few weeks, this fight might be a bit difficult, but after some time it will be raid like Onyxia in the WoW Classic.
This boss has 3 abilities: Fire Breath, Tail Lash, and Cleave.
The raid shouldn't stay near the tail or head of this dragon.
Also, Sartharion time by time will spawn Lava Walls. Everyone must avoid them. They will start their move from the left or the right, but you can see them since the spawn. Just look on the sides and do not slack.
Sometimes the boss will spawn Lava Elementals packs. OT should pick them and just AOE them. Important note - do not let Lava Wall hit these elementals otherwise they will go enraged and it will give to them a decent damage buff.
What will happen if you want to leave some drakes alive?
As I told you before if we will leave additional drakes you can get better loot, but the difficulty of this encounter will be increased. Let's review it and help you out to choose what you want. Easy fight and regular loot or sort of hard mode and better loot.
At the start, it will be hard to fight with PUG if you will leave 3 drakes because it requires decent gear and coordination of every player. The easiest drakes to keeping them for this fight is Tenebron>Shadron>Vesperon.
Each of these 3 drakes will come to fight at different times. Also, it will give to every player Aura debuff that we reviewed before.
1st drake - Tenebron - will land after 30 seconds. He will increase all shadow damage by 100%. You need to kill him as fast as possible because after 75 seconds will land the 2nd drake - Shadron. He will increase all fire damage by 100%. And the last one drake Vesperon will land after 120 seconds and he will debuff you for decreasing maximum health by 25%.
I recommend doing this raid Sartharion+0 or Sartharion+1 in the first cooldowns because 3 drakes are a good challenge even with Ulduar equipment.
But if you will do Sartharion+3 you will get a title - Twilight Vanquisher, and the chance to roll on a rare mount - Reins of the Twilight Drake!
Also, keep in mind, in the first weeks it might be a really difficult encounter because most of your raids will be geared in heroic/normal dungeons gear, so do not forget about consumables. If you can afford the best choice will be elixirs, if it's a bit expensive for you just use a flask. But sometimes it's easier just to buy some gold from us. Because in terms of time/money it's a good decision.
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See you in WOTLK!