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- How to level in Ghostlands from 10 to 20
How to level in Ghostlands from 10 to 20
Опубликовано 15.09.2021
10-20 Ghostlands Horde Leveling Guide

Back when The Burning Crusade released there was no options for 10-20 leveling besides going to Ghostlands. Because it has the best rewards and this location is overcrowded with easy quests. So it really doesn't matter what race you start to play, just go to the Ghostlands.
Usually we are leaving the starting location at level 12-13, but it will be fine to start at level 10.
If this is your first character I highly recommend skipping the First Aid profession at the start if you are not a warlock. Because Wool Cloth has a high price on Auction House and this is not the best option to obtain your first mount at level 30.
You can level this profession a bit later.

At the beginning you should get the quest Missing in the Ghostlands from Fairbreeze Village (coordinates 44.0, 70.6) In Eversong Woods
Go to the south to the border cross with Ghostlands and turn in Missing in the Ghostlands (coordinates 49.0, 89.0)
Get the quest from Apothecary Thedra (coords 49.0, 89.0) The Falling Courier
Go across the bridge and start killing mobs (Mistbats and Starving Ghostclaws). It has a good drop rate chance. When you will get 4 Plagued Blood Samples turn in the quest to Apothecary Thedra (coordinates 49.0, 89.0).
Get the quest Delivery to Tranquillien from Courier Dawnstrider (coordinates 49.0, 89.0)
Then go south to Tranquillien. Turn in quest to Arcanist Vandril (coordinates 46.0, 28.0) and get follow uping quest Forsaken, turn it in to High Executor Mavren (coordinates 44.8, 32.4) and accept the next quest Return to Arcanist Vandril (coordinates 46.0, 28.0)
After that you should get all the quest from Tranquillien, explore a new flight pass and bind your hearthstone in the inn.
You should have this quests in your quest log:
Suncrown Village, Tomber’s Suppliers and The Plagued Coast
(In case if you are Blood Elf you should get Goods from Silvermoon City. You can do this quest when you want to learn your skills in Silvermoon)

A. Go to Suncrown Village. There you will find lying on the ground Dying Blood Elf. Take the quest Anok’suten.
Go inside the Suncrown Village and kill 10 Nerubis Guards for the quest Suncrown Village.
There you will find Anok’suten. It is a 11 level elite nerub. If you are going here at level 10 it will be a tough battle, but if you reach at least level 12 you should be able to kill it easily. If you can't do this quest, don’t worry. You can do it later.
B. Go east and kill every mob which you see. Grinding when you are traveling between questing spots is really important. Sometimes it gives more experience than a quest.
Get the quest Dealing with Zeb’Sora from Ranger Valanna (coordinates 69.4, 15.0)
Go south-east on the small island at the lake and take the quest Forgotten Rituals from Geranis Whitemorn (coordinates 72.2, 19.0). After that you should go to the water and at the bottom you will find a Glistening Mud. Collect 8 Wavefront Medallions and turn in this quest and take the follow up Vanquishing Aquanton.
Go north at the water and at the bottom you will see an Altar (coordinates 71.0, 15.0). Use it and it will summon Aquanton (If you are mage it will be hard. This mob has frost immunity. So use fireballs and make sure you have healing potion). Turn in to Geranis Whitemorn (coordinates 72.2, 19.0).
C. Go north-east on the other side of the lake and start to kill trolls for the quest Dealing with Zebra’Sora. Kill them till you acquire 6 Zebra’Sora Troll ears. It has a drop rate chance ~50%. So it will not take very long
D. Go south to Farstrider Enclave and get those quests: Spirits of the Drowned (coordinates 72.2, 29.8) and Bearers of the Plague.Again jump to the cold water and grind your way to Ranger Valanna (coordinates 69.4, 15.0 or point B in our guide) turn in your Dealing with Zebra’Sora quest and get a follow up Report to Captain Helios. You must kill at least 8 Ravening Apparition and 8 Vengeful Apparition.
After that you should go to Farstrider Enclave and turn in Spirits are Drowned and Report to Captain Helios.
Use hearthstone to Tranquillien and turn in Suncrown Village and Anok'suten when you complete this one.
Take these quests: Goldenmist Village, Investigate An’daroth, Salvaging the Past, Down the Dead Scar and Culinary Crunch.
At this point you can go to Silvermoon and train your skills if needed.
Now you should kill every Lynx and Spindleweb Spider for quests Bearers of Plague and Culinary Crunch

A. Go west from Tranquillien to the Dead Scar. There you should find Risen Hungers and Gangled Cannibals. You should kill 10 of each. Try to farm Rotting Hearts as much as you can.
B. The next point is west of Dead Scar. There will be Arcane Devourers and Mana Shifters. Kill them until you will get 8 Crystallized Mana Essences for quest Salvaging the Past.
C. Go north by road and from the left you will see a hill with some undeads. Near the tree you will find Rathis Tomber’s Supplies (coordinates 33.7, 26.5) for quest Tomber’s Supplies.
D. Go north and make sure you are killing every spider around there. Walk until you see a night elf style camp (coordinates 36.0, 15.0). There you should explore a zone and kill 12 Sentinel Spies for the quest Investigate An’daroth.
E. Go west through the river to the Goldenmist Village (coordinates 27.0, 17.0). Kill 6 Quel’dorei Ghosts and 4 Quel’dorei Wraiths for quest Goldenmist Village.
F. Go west to the coast and start to grind murlocs for the quest The Plagued Coast. They have not a very good drop rate chance for their Plagued Murloc Spines but it is ok, cos they are pretty easy to kill. Try to avoid big groups of murlocs.
When this quest is completed, use hearthstone to Tranquillien.
Turn in all your quests and take the new available quests.

A. Go west to the Dead Scar and obtain the rest of the Rotting Hearts. You should try to grind mobs and walk south. You need 10 for the quest Rotting Hearts.
B. Go west behind the Ziggurat. There you will find a blood elf Apprentice Shatharia (coordinates 31.4, 48.2) and get the quest which she provides.
After that you should kill 8 Blackpaw Gnolls, 6 Blackpaw Scavengers, 4 Blackpaw Shamans for quest Trouble at the Underlight Mines. These mobs sometimes will drop Underlight Ore you need 6. Grind gnolls till you will get it. If you are a miner you can mine it but I would advise getting it from mobs, because grinding is profitable for leveling and gearing.
C. Go southwest to Windrunner Spire. There you must kill 10 Fallen Rangers and 8 Deatholme Acolytes for the quest Retaking Windrunner Spire. It can be a bit difficult for classes without spell kick mechanics, so make sure you have some healing potions. This mob can drop The Lady’s Necklace, the item which provides a quest. If you still do not have it - feel free to kill mobs until it drops to you.
D. Grind your way to Windrunner Village. There you must kill Gargoyles and Phantasmal Seekers for 4 Gargoyle Fragments and 6 Phantasmal Substances.
E. Go northwest to the small island (coordinates 13.0, 26.0) with a night elf camp for the quest Into Occupied Territory. There you should pick up three different pages. It has a share spawns, so sometimes it can take a time. Usually it spawns in tents and 1 on the ship. Be careful on ship, because one ranged night elf patrolling the deck.
In the end you should have Plans of An’Owyn, Plans of An’Daroth and Plans of Sin’Dorei.
If your hearthstone is not on cooldown use it, otherwise grind your way to Tranquillien. Turn in all quest and take new ones.
Buy a taxi to Silvermoon, train your spells and abilities, and use Orb of Translocation for teleporting to Undercity. Come to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and turn in the quest Journey to Undercity. Make sure you learn a new flight point. After that, get back to Tranquillien.

A. Go south by the road from Tranquillien to Andilien Estate (coordinates 46.4, 56.6) . Take the quest Clearing the Way.
B. Go east by the road to the Sanctum of the Sun and turn in quest Underlight Ore Samples and take a new one The Farstriders Enclave.
C. Go northeast to the mountains. If you still have not completed your quest for Lynxes here is a good place to do it.
There you will find a camp named An’Telas (coordinates 60.0, 36.0). Turn in quest Deliver the Plans to An’telas and get the follow up. Be careful sometimes here going the event with a sort of night elf invasion, so you should be full hp.
After that you should grind your way to Farstriders Enclave where you were earlier in this guide and turn in Bearers of the Plague (quest for Lynxes) and The Farstrider Enclave. Take the new quests.
D. Travel west to the mountains and go inside the Troll’s caverns.
Clear your way, here you should obtain 8 Troll Jujus from trolls and burn 10 Mummified Troll Remains for quests Troll Juju and Investigate the Amani Catacombs.
After you complete these 2 quests you should go to the left room of this catacombs and take a quest for escort (you should be at full hp and have hp/mana potion if needed). Take a quest Escape from the Catacombs from Ranger Lilatha. Follow her and defend even if you can’t loot the mobs, because she runs very fast. She will go to Farstrider Enclave.
Turn in all completed quests and take new ones, if you forgot to do it before.

A. Go northeast to the Dawnstar Spire for the quest The Traitor’s Shadow. Go inside the building by the right wall and go upstairs there will be a book (coordinates 79.6, 17.7), turn in the quest and take the follow up.
You must go back to Farstrider Enclave and turn in the quest Hints of the Past and take the new one.
B. Go southeast to Shadowpine Trolls. This is the good option to kill all Vampiric Mistbats all your way. Once you arrive to camp Zab’Tela you should kill whole the camp.
In the end you need to complete:
8 Shadowpine Shadowcasters
8 Shadowpine Headhunters
Obtain 3 Shadowcaster Maces
Obtain 3 Headhunter Axes
The drop rate of these weapons is not very high, but it will not take too much time.
C. Grind your way to the south, loot quest items from trolls and use 3 objects: Fresh Fish Rack (coordinates 66.0, 58.0), Raw Meat Rack (coordinates 65.0, 66.0) and Smoked Meat Rack (coordinates 62.0, 75.0).
D. Go southwest to An’owyn camp (coordinates 58.0, 62.0). In the center you will see the pillar - you need to use it. Clear your way until you will get Crystal Controlling Orb.
Go west from this camp and kill Greater Spindlewebs and Ghostclaw Ravagers for quests Culinary Crunch and Clearing the Way.
After you complete these 2 quests you should go to Andilien Estate and Sanctum of the Sun for turn in your quests.
Use hearthstone to Tranquillien and turn in all your quests and take follow ups.

A. Go southwest to Ziggurats (coordinates 34.0, 42.0 and 40.0, 47.0) and obtain chests inside it. It will not be too hard. Just try to pull mobs to the entrance.
Grind your way in the Dead Scar to the south for the quest Spinal Dust. You should kill Dreadbone Sentinels and Deathcage Sorcerers. You must obtain 10 Spinal Dust.
Get back to Tranquillien and turn in quests.
Go east to An’Telas camp,this is the night elf camp where we were before (coordinates 60.0, 36.0). Turn in the quest Deactivate An’owyn, after then you should go to Fastrider Enclave and turn in the rest of the quests. And get the new ones.
Go south to Zeb’Nowa and Hexers and Catlords for quest Assault on Zeb’Nowa
If you can find something for your party you can do Bring me Kel’gash’s Head, this is the quest in this camp for 20 level elite troll. If not, just skip it.

A. Go west to Deathholm. Go in and kill 6 Wailers, 5 Eye of Dar’Khan, 6 Nerubis Centurion. Be careful as mobs deal a lot of damage over time, so do not pull them at low hp. Use hearthstone to Tranquillien and go to the Sanctum of the Sun and Farstriders Enclave for turn in your quest and get new. Go back to Tranquillien and turn in the quest A Restorative Draught and take the follow up. After that you should go back to Deatholme.
B. Go west inside of Deatholme you will find a catacombs, go down and and kill Jurion after that speak with Apothecary Enith.
C. Go east to the “scourge-building”. There you should kill Mirodan the Fallen (coordinates 36.0, 78.0). Try to pull out additional mobs before.
D. Go south to the hill. Go inside the building and kill the big abomination Borgoth the Bloodletter and speak with Apothecary Varnis.
E. Go west to the next building and kill Masophet the Black.
F. For this quest you need a party of at least 2 people. Go to the center of Deatholme inside the Ziggurat. In the lowest floor you will find Dar’Khan Drathir, he is a tough guy. Use your weapon from the previous quest for 500dmg and silence on him.
Use hearthstone to Tranquillien and turn in all quest here and in Sanctum of the Sun.
Finally you complete Ghostlands and obtain a great blue weapon!
Thank you for following this guide. Sometimes leveling can be boring, especially in the grinding phase, but I tried to do it more comfortably.
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