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- How to become a mage in New World
How to become a mage in New World
Опубликовано 01.10.2021
General Guide for AOE leveling in New World.
This build pretty easy for playing in PVE leveling and dungeons. Also it can be usable in PVP with some changes.
You can start playing with this build at early levels.
In the beginning, your main weapon will be the Ice Gauntlet. But as your level increases, the damage from your fire staff will increase and it will become your main weapon.
You can play with this build till endgame and the main problem of this build is problems with mana. We will try to reduce this issue with a lot of talents, but our is to do a huge AOE damage with incredible sustain and control.
About attributes:
Intelligence > Constitution > Focus
In the talent tree, you should take 150 points in Intelligence and 50 points in focus if you prefer PVE, but if you would like to play PVP during leveling you should get 50 points in Constitution.
If you already have 50 points in Focus - try to avoid this stat on your items. You do not need more. So try to max Intelligence and Constitution as much as possible.

It is a combo build where the Ice Gauntlet does control role (and huge damage at the start).
Intelligence will provide us elemental synergy and in the late game, it will increase our debuff damage.
Weapon Master builds for Ice Gauntlet and Firestaff
Ice Gauntlet

Fire Staff

As I told it is a combo build, so let's try to do a combo for AOE damage.
At first, you should place Ice Storm and on the almost border you should place Ice Shower. It is your control combo.
After that, you can start to do damage with your Fireball and Burnout spells. And in the end, just use Incinerate. Usually, after that, your enemies are at low HP.
Now you are at low mana, so use Entombed and fulfill your mana bar and avoid all of the damage, when you are waiting for cooldowns. When Ice Storms up - break your Entombed ability with damage and use Ice Storm to finish your enemies.
As you see it is pretty easy and you have a lot of crowd control even for party-play.
But leveling sometimes is really boring, so do not hesitate to contact us. We are veterans of MMO games and we are glad to offer you our services.