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- Northrend leveling Guide | How to hit level 80 in WoTLK?
Northrend leveling Guide | How to hit level 80 in WoTLK?
Опубликовано 14.07.2022
With WoW WoTLK Classic around the corner in 2022, it is very important you know how to get your character to level 80 as soon as possible. In this guide below, we will explain to you step by step how to achieve this.

How to start in Northrend?
First of all, you have 2 options where to play, Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra
These areas will become available once you are level 68. You can visit this area before 68, but then you will notice there are no quests available. Both Horde & Alliance have unique quests here, as like in another area, there is an alliance and a horde camp. Surely there are also contested zones that both factions can complete, like traveling goblins or any other NPC who are in danger, such as escort quests.
Looking for more information about leveling? Stay tuned as we will update this page soon..