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- WoW WoTLK Naxx guide | How to raid Naxxramas on WoTLK?
WoW WoTLK Naxx guide | How to raid Naxxramas on WoTLK?
Опубликовано 27.06.2022
The upcoming release of WoW: WotLK will bring to us a remastered version of the famous raid from WoW: Classic - Naxxramas.
It will be a raid for 10 and 25-man raids.
Also, Blizzard announce this version of Naxxramas will be more hardcore than it was in 2008.
They want to increase the HP and Damage bosses.

Here we will provide tactics for both 10 and 25-man raid versions.
1. The Construct Quarter
This boss requires 2 tanks for the 10-man version and 3 tanks for the 25-man version of the raid.
It's a gear check boss because it will require decent tank gear and good DPS.
You will have 6 minutes for this fight. After 6mins Patchwerk will enrage and kill the whole raid group.
At the start, every melee class should remove from them any HP buffs and go to the slime river for decreasing their HP, of course, except Main Tank and 1 OT (2 OT for 25-man).
Ranged classes shouldn't worry about their HP because Patchwerk will not hit them.
Your OT should be better geared than your Main Tank because OT will get all Hateful Strikes (It will be really hurt at the start of expansion).
At the beginning of the fight, your Main Tank should turn away Pathwerk from the raid and the whole raid can pop up their cooldowns. (It's important because at the start of expansion you will have low DPS for this boss and you can press cooldowns at the end of the fight 2nd time)
Healers shouldn't heal melee DPS-group and keep tanks at max HP.
At 5% Patchwerk will go Enraged and increase his damage by 25%, and caster attack speed by 40%. At this moment your DPS should press their cooldowns 2nd time.
This boss does not very difficult, requires a dedicated group and some pots to increase Raid-DPS.
It's the second boss of Construct Quarter.
Main Tank must take the boss and drive him around the room (clockwise). Every 15 seconds boss will drop a toxic cloud and your melee DPS should avoid it. Also, in addition, the boss will put Mutated Injection on a random person in a raid. After 10 seconds it will drop to the floor and hit some damage to the player. Do not dispel it or use Cleansing Totem! So this player must go out of the raid group and spread the void zone in a safe place.
Also, Grobbulus will use Slime Spray. Slime Spray hit every player in front of the boss and spawned Slimes for each person that was hit. OT should immediately take these mobs and AOE cleeve them.
Grobbulus will go enraged in 12mins, so you must kill him before it happens.
This boss requires 2 Tanks a someone in your raid with good kiting skills. Usually, it's from a mage or hunter (2 persons in the 25-man version).
This boss stack Mortal Wounds on Main Tank. Each stack decreases the effectiveness of healing. The tanks will need to taunt off each other once one reaches 5 stacks of the debuff. Also, this boss will go enrage time by time, so your hunters/rogues must dispel it from the boss.
During the fight, zombies will spawn from the gates that should be handled with your kiter (frost mage/hunter or both) in the middle of the room with the assistance of Earthbind Totem from any shaman.
After Gluth will cast Decimate that will decrease hells or raid members and zombies to 5%, so your healers must pre-cast greater heal to your current tank, otherwise, he will die from the next cleave.
All DPS (yes, even melee DPS, especially at the start of the expansion) must go to the zombie pack and CC/DPS them because when this 5% cast happens he going forward to Gluth, and if even 1 zombie reaches him - Gluth will be healed on 5%. So all DPS must concentrate on this zombie pack.
After you kill all zombies, the fight will be like it was in Phase 1 and going cycle.
You have 5 minutes for this boss after he will go enraged and kill the whole raid.
Feugen and Stalagg
You must kill these 2 mini-bosses before Thadius.
Nothing special - you need 2 tanks and split your raid into 2 halves. Every half should tank and DPS their mini-boss till the end. Both bosses must be killed at the same time (5sec delay maximum), otherwise, they will be resurrected and the fight will start from the start.
Usually, this boss is a hard encounter for PUGS because it can be killed with several tactics, so I recommend introducing your raid members in Discord or in the chat to how you will do it exactly. I will tell about just 1 tactic that in my opinion easiest for PUGS
After your raid killed Feugen and Stalagg you must jump from these 2 platforms to the Thaddius (if some people have problems with jumping they can request Slow Fall(mages) or Levitate(priests), or just use their sprint/swiftness potions.
Once your raid finally jumped to Thaddius your raid must stand in front of Thaddius in 1 big group.
After Polarity Shift all your raid members will have a Positive or Negative Charge. I recommend, setting 2 camps for Positive - right side, Negative - left side. All raid members should track their debuff and go to another camp if their charge changes. (Easy rule - Negative Charge going to Counter Clockwise, Positive Charge going to Clockwise). Do not meet the people with different charges because it will deal a lot of damage. Also, do not stay near the tank. Let him some space. Even melee DPS have some range for their attacks, so use it.
You have 6 minutes to kill Thaddius - after he will go enraged and kill the whole raid.
2. The Arachnid Quarter
This boss requires 1 Main Tank and 1 OT.
When the boss starts cast Locust Swarm your Main Tank must kite him around the room clockwise to the place where you entered. On the next Locust Swarm phase, MT must kite boss counterclockwise.
The important thing - the whole raid and MT as well must avoid Insect Swarms because it deals decent damage and debuff you for being unable to attack or cast spells. The whole raid must run out from the Anub'rekhan when he starts casting Locust Swarm (you have a window 0.5-1sec).
The boss will summon Crypt Lords that after death will spawn Corpse Scarabs. OT must take them immediately and DPS must kill them.
Anub'Rekhan sometimes cast Impale. It is not an avoidable ability. It's 100% random. But no worries, just spam AOE heals on melee group.
In short, it's an easy fight. Just requires a tank with good threat generation.
Grand Widow Faerlina
This boss fight requires 1MT and 1 OT.
The main tactic - when Faerlina going to enrage you must kill one of the Worshippers. It will happen every 60-80seconds
The best OT will be a protection paladin which can stack Worshippers with Avenger's Shield. Also, you can use silence on them when they cast Fireball (in the early WotLK it deals decent damage).
Your shaman must put Cleansing Totem in the melee group because Faerlina will cast Poison Bolt Volley (it's a dot that inflicts 2625 to 3375 Nature Damage every 2 sec for 8sec)
When Faerlina will cast Rain of Fire - move out. It deals a lot of damage.
This boss requires 1 Tank.
The whole raid should go to the left side. MT must tank Maexxna on the opposite side.
The main tactic here - dispel tank and kill Web Wraps.
Every 40 seconds boss will cast Web Spray. Your healers must keep their HoTs on the tank. Also, Maexxna will cast Web Spray on 30% so, keep it in mind.
Also, Maexxna will cast Poison Shock in front of her, but it will be just on the tank so it is not a big deal.
Your healers must dispel Necrotic Poison on the tank immediately because it decreases healing by 90%!
You have 10 minutes for this boss fight, otherwise, Maexxna will go enraged and kill all raid.
3. Plague Quarter
Noth the Plaguebringer
This boss requires 1MT and 1 OT.
Main Tank must aggro the boss and use taunt on boss after every Blink because Noth the Plaguebringer has full aggro reset after this ability
The most important thing in this fight - Druids and Mages must use their de-curse abilities to remove the Curse of the Plaguebringer from every raid member, otherwise, after some time, it will kill all raid members. So, do not forget to mention it in Discord.
Your priests must use Mass Dispel after Noth Blink and remove Cripple from raid members.
After 110 seconds Noth will teleport up to a balcony and start summoning the adds. Your OT must take them and DPS should kill them as fast as possible. When it will be done Noth will come back and the fight will start again.
Heigan the Unclean
In my opinion, this is the hardest boss in the Naxxramas for PUGS because he requires good communication and all players must play the game. And in this version of Naxxramas, we do not have a safe spot, so everyone must participate in a disco.
This fight includes 2 phases
Phase 1:
The casters must stand there where you pull Heigan and do DPS as much as possible (it's a good moment when you can use all your DPS cooldowns). The Tank and melee DPS must participate in the Heigan Disco. But melee DPS must do DPS even when they are in moves, so do not forget about that.
How does it work?
You must divide the floor into 4 equal parts. You will start fighting on the 1st part (left). In 1st phase, you have 8 seconds for each section. On the 2nd phase - 2 seconds.
Phase 2:
At the start, Heigan will teleport to the place where you pulled him (casters must leave this place and participate in the Disco).
Sometimes, Heigan will cast Decrepit Fever - dispel it as fast as possible.
Nothing difficult, but your raid must have some experience for this fight. Just give them several tryouts, especially in the first weeks.
This boss requires 1 Tank.
The tank must just turn out the boss from the raid.
Everyone must stay on the left leg of the boss (except tank). Death Knight must grip the spores to the left leg of the boss, when someone gets the crit debuff - he should go to the right leg of the boss.
The tank should not get this debuff in any situation because he will lose all aggro.
It's a hard encounter for your healers because Loatheb will cast Necrotic Aura. He will cast it every 20 seconds, but the duration of this spell is 17, so your heals will have 3 seconds window to do their job. They must pre-cast their best healing abilities on the last seconds of Necrotic Aura and after trying to use some instant spells. As you understand Druids here is not a good class, so keep in mind to get some Holy Paladins or Shamans.
Since it is a hard heals fight, so your DPS and Tank must use their safe abilities on their own and Dispel as many as possible Deathblooms.
4. Military Quarter
Instructor Razuvious
Your raid does not require any tanks for 10-man, and 1 Tank for the 25-man version.
You need to assign 2 players that will control 2 Death knights (they are will be your tanks).
The fight will begin when someone will use the orb to take the control of the first Understudy. The "tanks" must do a switch every 19 seconds because the cooldown of Bone Barrier is 20 seconds, so every 19 seconds they must press Taunt and pop Bone Barrier
When the other tank takes the boss, the first one can dismiss his summon and use the orb again.
The 25-man version requires at least 2 priests because there are no orbs to control these adds. So they must use Mind Control
Your healers should heal adds and keep an eye on the Jagged Knife debuff. It will be used on a random raid member and make decent damage.
Gothic the Harvester
The raid must split between two rooms Undead and the Living side.
Both raid parts must kill adds. When adds were killed on the Living side - they will appear on the Undead side. This phase will go for 4mins 30seconds.
After the last wave (10) Gothic will teleport to Undead. The Undead DPS group must pop up all their DPS cooldowns. Every 10 seconds Gothic will teleport between the Undead and Living sides. Once he reaches 30% HP both gates will be open and everyone able to fight with the boss.
The Four Horsemen
This encounter has a lot of tactics we will introduce the easiest.
Your raid must have a good geared Main Tank and decent OT.
You MT must stack Rivendare and Korth'azz together and all your raid DPS must AOE them. Do not forget to use BL or Heroism. Your off tank and 1 heals will keep Blaumex and Zeliek before your raid busy with Rivendare and Korth'azz.
5. Frostwyrm Lair
This boss requires 1 Tank. And have a standard dragon mechanic - do not stay in front of or near the tail. Also, do not forget about frost resist gear. Every raid member must have at least 2 frost resist pieces (most likely 3 because blizzard will increase damage for bosses in Naxxramas)
Sapphiron will cast Blizzard time by time, so your DPS must immediately run out. Also, he will use Life Drain curse that should be dispelled by your Druids and Mages
Once Sapphiron will take to the air he will cast Ice Bolt. This Ice Bolt will freeze the target to become Ice Block. It will be 3 times. All raid members must stand behind these tombs.
This fight requires 1MT and 1OT.
1 Phase:
It will last 3 minutes 48 seconds.
Before the fight, you should designate your melee camps - 9, 12, and 3 o'clock, and tank at 6 o'clock. healers must stay in the center and able to heal everyone.
It's is the fight with adds, so melee DPS must attack Abomination and control them on the low HP (you can stun them).
Range and Caster DPS must kill Soldiers of the Frozen Wastes and Soul Weavers.
2 Phase:
This phase will start when Kel'Thuzad will awaken and the main tank must take him immediately. When DPS will kill all adds they should participate in the fight with Kel'Thuzad.
Melee DPS must split into 3 groups and stay on each corner of the boss, the tank will be on the 4th corner and no one should not come to him.
Melee DPS must kick every Frostbolt (you can announce rotation in Discord or just use Interrupt WeakAura)
Range DPS must just stay spread and attack Kel'Thuzad.
Phase 3:
At 45% HP KT will summon 2 Guardians of Icecrown. OT must take them. There is no reason to kill them, just focus on KT.
Do not forget about potions/gems/enchants especially in the first weeks. This version of Naxx will be though as Blizzard told.
These tactics were made by the MMOprovider team and we hope the journey through WotLK Naxxramas will be enjoyable for you.