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- WoW Cataclysm Professions Guide
WoW Cataclysm Professions Guide
Опубликовано 27.04.2024
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic will bring many new profession items and mechanics compare to WOTLK.

First of all, the profession level will be increased to 525. And each gathering, or crafting professions will grant you many benefits. Lets have a look at them. I hope this will help you make the right choice for your PVE or PVP journey in the WoW Cataclysm Classic.
Gathering professions bonuses
- Mining: at max level of skill it will grant you 125 stamina
- Skinning: at max level of skill it will grant you 80 critical strike rating
- Herbalism: at max level of skill it will grant you 480 haste rating and minor healing HoT
Crafting professions bonuses
- Tailoring: Tailoring only enchants on cloak.
- Leatherworking: LW only enchants on bracers.
- Jewelcrafting: JC only gems that has a better stats then usual ones especially in phase 1.
- Inscription: Inscription only enchants on the shoulder slot. The weakest profession in terms of bonuses. It means you can choose it if you want to try sell some darkmoon cards on Auction House or if you just like this profession.
- Engineering: Engi will grant you new helms with engineering only socket slot (cogwheels), and some devices that might be very useful in raids or in PVP.
- Enchanting: Ench only enchants on rings.
- Blacksmithing: BS only gem sockets in gear.
- Alchemy: Alch will grant you amazing trinkets with various stats and extended durations for your elixirs and flasks
Also, do not forget. It's new expansion and ALL crafting professions will provide you amazing epics that equal first raid set or slightly worse. In conclusion, we can say - professions in WoW Cataclysm is the must-have trait if you willing to minmaxing, and even if you are casual player it will make your gameplay easier, and you will be a preferable player to attend in raid.
Secondary professions
- First Aid: FA will grant you powerful bandages. 100% must have profession unless you are not a healer.
- Cooking: Cooking will provide you many buffs from food. Also, on the start of each phase it's a good gold income profession.
- Fishing: You can get many fish that could be used in cooking or just sell it on AH for decent amount of gold. Also, it grant an opportunity to get some chests from the shipwreck pools.
The new profession - Archeology. Is it useful or not?
It's hard to say is it a must-have profession or not because it's very time consuming. But lets see on the positive sides.
- You can obtain some epic items that similar with raid items from the phase 1, and for some classes these items are BiS.
- The possibility to obtain unique flying mount - Vial of the Sands.
- It's pretty fun to level it because you will explore the world after cataclysm.
As you see professions becomes a very important part of the game in WoW Cataclysm. So, we recommend to invest some time and get the best bonuses from your classes. But if you do not have time or do not want to do the boring farm MMOprovider will gladly give you a hand level any profession in no time! See you in upcoming World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic!