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Hardcore Leveling
Classic ERA Hardcore leveling
Did you recently try out WoW Classic ERA and hear about something called "WoW Classic ERA Hardcore" or "Classic WoW Hardcore"? Well, feel free to check out this page, as we are ready to boost your characters in hardcore mode! In case you have been googling for "Wow Classic Hardcore Boost" or "Buy Classic ERA Hardcore Boost" you've came to the right page.
How to perform in WoW Classic ERA?
Well, basically there is a site that allows you to download an addon. With this addon, which should be on all the time, you can track your characters' performance and so do other people.
On this site you will be able to find this addon.
What else to know about Classic ERA Hardcore leveling?
Currently, most players who are doing Hardcore leveling are doing this on Hydraxian Waterlords & Bloodsail Buccaneers, however, you can do this hardcore leveling on any kind of Classic ERA server.
With the addon mentioned above, you will be able to verify your achievements by following all guidelines for this hardcore leveling mode.
Also, when we are doing this boost for you, it means we will be using the addon and we will also use your character lua in order to make sure your score wont fail
What happens if your character will die?
In case you die, the progress will stop and the hardcore addon will no longer register you as a survivor. Of course, you can decide to continue leveling, but you will not receive the honor of a hardcore mode leveler.
What will happen if we die during the boost?
In case we die during the process we will be starting over again. In case you order 1-30 for example and we die at level 23, we will start from scratch again at level 1.
If you, for example, order levels 15-30 and we die at level 23, we will be starting at level 1, however, we will do the levels based on the price you paid. Since you have not paid for level 1-15 ( the part which you've done yourself most likely) We will not include this amount in our leveling schedule.
Are you looking for a hardcore boost? For example on Hydraxian Waterlords? No problem, we can do it for you!
In hardcore mode, this means, we can not:
- Use the AH
- Receive gold
- Receive drinks/food/health stones etc
- No grouping in the Open world ( unless you are going to a hardcore dungeon)
- Restrictions on resurrection spells
- play with non-higher levels
- do not die
Important Rules
Make sure you are not logging in on the character/account when we are still boosting your character! This is extremely dangerous as it could wipe your character due to the DC. In case you wish to know the progress you have to ask us or you have to create a second account ( not character! ) Logging in during the process will void your warranty and we can not accept responsibilities if your character dies due to this.
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