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- Powerleveling | XP Leveling Boost | Custom levels
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Powerleveling | XP Leveling Boost | Custom levels
Helios Mist of Pandaria
Can't wait to play the brand new Helios MoP Server by the twinstar project? Well, wait no longer as this brand-new adventure just opened its doors! However, you may notice that the leveling speed is currently set to 1X XP multiplier. That means you will need to invest a lot of time in this game in order to reach the maximum level. In case you lack time to play this game, we may recommend you to look into this page. Have you been googling for terms like "Helios Powerleveling", "Helios WoW Boost", "Helios MoP Powerleveling" or something like that? If that is the case then you are on the right page!
Helios Powerleveling
On this page, you will be able to find our level 1-90 powerleveling packages. We are offering powerleveling for any kind of level, a few key notes you should be aware of.
- The leveling speed is set to 1XP from 85 to 90
- It will take around 6 to 7 days to complete level 1-90 boosts on average
- Some classes like hunters/warlocks may be faster compared to classes like warriors and rogues.
- We can do leveling on any class or race.
- We level by hand
- Optionally, we can use VPN to level your character
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