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WoW WoTLK Classic
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WoW WoTLK: The Lich King Awaits
The moment we all waited for, after the grand success of WoW Classic TBC, the long-awaited WoW WoTLK Classic game will be released in fall 2022!
Are you prepared to defeat Arthas, the ice-cold knight called the Lich King? In order to conquer Icecrown Citadel along with various bosses and encounters, your journey is going to be a tough and exhausting one.
It will still take many months before this version will be released. Stay tuned for the latest updates on this game.
MMOprovider is going to provide various services.
How to prepare for this game?
There are many ways for you to prepare for this expansion. For example, you can start practicing your WoTLK skills on various private servers we are offering services for, such as Warmane. Check our WoW Private server section for more information!
Can you use your TBC Classic characters on WoTLK?
The answer is yes! Your TBC Classic characters will be transferred to the existing realms of WoW WoTLK. Your adventure will start in Northrend on your level of 70 characters. For people who want to start over, the fresh WoTLK servers might be a great solution for that.